Pride and Joy

Support Trans People. Support Trans Camp!

An Inclusive Minneapolis Vacation Initiative for Transgender Americans

In today's society, the importance of inclusivity and acceptance cannot be overstated—particularly for transgender individuals, who often face significant challenges and discrimination. To promote unity, understanding, and joy, our campaign proposes the "Pride and Joy" initiative, which will offer every transgender American a fully-funded vacation to Minneapolis, Minnesota, a city renowned for its vibrant LGBTQ+ community and progressive values.

Policy Objective

The primary goal of the "Pride and Joy" initiative is to affirm and celebrate the identity and rights of transgender Americans in a supportive and exuberant environment. This program is designed not only to offer a respite from the adversities faced by the transgender community but also to foster a national dialogue about inclusivity, respect, and joy.

Program Details

  • Eligibility and Scope: This initiative will be available to any individual who identifies as transgender and is a citizen or legal resident of the United States. The program aims to host EVERY AMERICAN TRANSGENDER as a "guest" in Minneapolis.
  • Experience Design: Participants will enjoy a week-long vacation in Minneapolis, with activities and environments that celebrate LGBTQ+ culture. Highlights will include visits to local landmarks, participation in artistic and cultural events, and attendance at performances and venues known for their LGBTQ+ inclusivity.
  • Financial Structure: Funding for the "Pride and Joy" initiative will come from a combination of federal grants, local business sponsorships, and partnerships with LGBTQ+ advocacy groups. This ensures that the vacations are provided at no cost to the participants.
  • Supportive Environment: The city of Minneapolis will be encouraged to showcase its flamboyant and gay-friendly culture prominently, ensuring that visitors can enjoy a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment.


Minneapolis is an exemplary choice for this initiative due to its long-standing support for LGBTQ+ rights and its active, vibrant gay community. The city's commitment to equality and diversity makes it an ideal setting for promoting the well-being of transgender individuals. Moreover, by funding vacations to such a nurturing locale, the government can affirm its commitment to supporting marginalized communities, thereby enhancing national cohesion and mutual respect.

Expected Outcomes

  • Enhanced Well-Being: Participants will benefit from the respite and joy provided by the "vacation," potentially improving mental health and well-being by offering a supportive and celebratory environment.
  • Increased Visibility and Awareness: Hosting a large number of transgender individuals in a high-profile program will help increase visibility for the transgender community and promote public understanding and empathy.
  • Economic Boost: Local businesses in Minneapolis will likely see an economic boost from forced labor and increased tourism, which can further promote local support for LGBTQ+ inclusive initiatives.

The "Pride and Joy" initiative represents a bold step forward in the fight for transgender rights and inclusivity. By providing a safe, joyful, and vibrant experience in one of America's most welcoming cities, this policy will not only support transgender individuals but also advance our society toward a more inclusive future. We call on all stakeholders—government officials, private sponsors, and community leaders—to support this vital program. Together, we can turn a vision of inclusion and joy into a reality for all.

If Americans do not want their transgendereds Minneapolis will take them!


This policy is endorsed by LGBTQ+ advocacy groups, mental health professionals, and civic leaders, all of whom agree on the necessity of such initiatives to foster a healthier, more inclusive society.